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Vail Symposium | Life in the Wrong Lane

When disasters and conflicts strike and people flee, journalists run against the flow of traffic, straight into places where everyone else wants out.  What compels them to go in, and how do they calculate the risks when they’re there? Join veteran journalist and former foreign correspondent Greg Dobbs for his behind-the-line stories that range from … Continued

Vail Symposium | Conversations on Controversial Issues

In October 2020 in The Atlantic, David Brooks wrote “Social trust is a measure of the moral quality of a society—of whether the people and institutions in it are trustworthy, whether they keep their promises and work for the common good. When people in a church lose faith or trust in God, the church collapses. … Continued

Vail Symposium | Mountains of My Mind: Vision 8000

Jill Wheatley was an active athlete, but in the blink of an eye, she suffered a traumatic brain injury that took 70% of her vision and nearly her life. Aiming now to climb all of the world’s 14 peaks that stand above 8000m as she breaks down the stigma associated with traumatic brain injury, vision … Continued

Vail Symposium | Why DO Dinosaurs Matter?

Is there really something we can learn about our future from long-extinct dinosaurs? What can paleontology teach us about our planet, climate, and the animals that roam the earth today? What, for example, connects a penguin to T. Rex?  Why did T. Rex have tiny arms?  Join paleontologist and geologist Dr. Kenneth Lacovara, discoverer of … Continued

Vail Symposium | The Equity of Daylight

How do engineering, design, and access to windows intersect to improve our well-being?  Should someone’s position in a company influence their access to daylight? Often it does. What is the relationship between light and productivity and mental health?  What are the impacts of light pollution on ecology? Does light color matter? In this interactive event, … Continued

Vail Symposium | The Invisible Primary for President

With presidential primaries and caucuses just a few weeks off, Dr. Elaine Kamarck of the Brookings Institution, who focuses on the presidential nomination system and American politics, looks at the tea leaves and reveals some surprising history behind the electoral process, as well as the social media, press and fundraising measures that are tracked in … Continued

Vail Symposium | Cloudspotting for Beginners

Cloudspotting for Beginners Look up, marvel at the ephemeral beauty and always remember to live life with your head in the clouds! The founder of the Cloud Appreciation Society shares the science of clouds and the benefits of cloudspotting through magnificent photography and entertaining stories in this family-friendly program. The Vail Symposium is a grassroots, … Continued

Vail Symposium | The Federal Deficit

Why Does It Matter & What Can Be Done? The news has been filled with inflation, debt ceiling, debt crisis, fiscal issues and more on financial matters. This program will allow experts to discuss some of the issues related to our current and future debt. October 1 is the beginning of the 2024 federal fiscal … Continued

Vail Symposium | A Harmony of Science and Spirituality

Many years ago, Archedon’s out-of-body experience produced a direct encounter in the higher dimensional realm. Today, after tabulating the precise descriptions of visitors to that realm from across the globe, he has articulated the nature of reality — the Continuum of Existence — and demonstrated scientific validation utilizing Commercial Machine Learning Algorithms and AI-driven narrative … Continued

Vail Symposium | Melting Ice Shelves

Melting Ice Shelves Location | Vail Interfaith Chapel Hear the latest updates with new discoveries from prominent Greenland and Antarctic scientists. The Vail Symposium is a grassroots, non-profit organization which provides educational programs for the Vail Valley community.  These are intended to be thought-provoking, diverse and affordable events for all. MORE INFO